Friday, May 22, 2009

Rear Curtain Sync

No, this is not a new type of furniture. It's a flash setting... :)

I'm not too fond of artificial light, honestly, unless maybe it's light painting. But with Parlez, flash is fun. Man, is he fast. He's a great training buddy, I have to say. Not the best stand in for a bride-to-be, but he's pretty darn decent. He's not too fond of flash either, as you can tell.

I won't tell you what he brought in and ate right in front of me just after this shot. All except for the entrails, the nose and two very long front teeth. I won't tell you, but judging by the condition of the teeth it had led a long and very full life...

Monday, May 18, 2009

Just Because...

Who was she? I'm working on learning more about that for a writing project... But she was pretty amazing, and unfortunately paid the price for that. However, we hope things have changed a bit in the last 1560 years since her assassination. She appears to have been an inspiration for many. More on her here.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Still Blooming, Even Quietly...

“Your task is not to seek for love, 
but merely to seek and find 
all the barriers within yourself 
that you have built against it.”

Sometimes I think the Secret Garden (body of work) is dormant. 
And then when I'm looking for something I come across one ...
still blooming. Usually there is a quotation from Rumi that fits.
He had that gift.