Saturday, March 28, 2009

Gotta Dance!

Times like these I just wish I wouldda kept hoofin'. But still, it's great to watch. They make it look so easy, not a pant between the two (except for Fred's). Frank Sinatra narrates, while Eleanor Powell and Fred Astaire dance. 
Wow... Is all I can say.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Beads On My Dresser...

Monday, March 16, 2009

March Madness

Monarch butterflies, prepare for migration on March 21st from Mexico. Story here...

Ne'r has there been a spring when I have been jonesin to clear out as much as I want to this spring! Quite a few plates are spinning in my life at present, and it's very interesting to climb up on a ladder and look down and see them all. Especially knowing I was the one to set them in motion. Mon dieu, I'm a bit dizzy. :)

But onward to some very wonderful words by someone called Lena... Thank you, wherever you are. 
The main theme for March is OPPORTUNITY. Other influences and sub-themes will include creativity, inspiration, renewal, regeneration, breakthrough, moving forward, innovation, resiliency, resourcefulness, and new ideas. This may sound like a fabulous month and it can be, however you must be willing to give something up in order to be able to manifest and experience what the month has to offer: Attachment. Attachment to how things were, should have been, should be now, what you should have done, what others should have done, what you or others should be doing now.

As I look around at my two work spaces that are the antithesis of tidy I am gratified to read this...
High creativity can sometimes manifest chaos, confusion and depression when something keeps the energy from flowing. It is a highly feminine influence and does not come from the mental realm. It is important to allow creativity to use the emotional and the intellectual center but not to be restricted by either one. If you feel yourself falling into chaos, confusion or depression, move yourself towards something that inspires you.

And so to walking somewhere new...
The energy wants to move and it wants to move into new directions. Stubbornness is the fear of change by holding on to the attachments of the past. The combination of stubbornness and the feminine creative forces are manifesting for some of you in a lot of lower back issues, and problems with the hips and knees. It is a holding back out of fear that is manifesting itself physically. A good practice is to literally walk in new places that you have never been with intention that you are moving towards the new and the unknown with excitement and inspiration. Be inspired by what you see around you as you walk in new territory. Be accepting and fully receptive to any opportunity that your walk will provide. In this way you are doing a practice to retrain your habitual behavior and to assure the body that it is OK to try new things. It is also very important not to be comparing whatever you are involved in presently with your experiences of the past. So if you are walking in a new direction or along a new route, do not compare it with your old territory but rather see it with completely fresh eyes for how it supports you right in the present moment. This is a practice you can do with any little thing in your daily life that will help with moving through the stubbornness and the fear of change.

Resiliency is flexibility, another antidote to stubbornness. If something does not work out like you thought it should, accept it without judgment and move onto something else without the need to understand what it was that did not work. This is an emotionally centered year that means most things will not make intellectual sense but they will feel right or not feel right. If something does not feel right, don’t try and intellectually understand or define why, just trust the process. The beauty of these times is that things are moving very quickly and if something is not right is will show itself to be eliminated rather quickly. The main thing is to be proactive with any process and to keep looking forward, being receptive to any opportunity the universe sees fit to place in your path.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Bumble Fumbles the Sweet Peas

Here we are in the middle of what is for me the least appealing month in northern New Mexico. Our beloved juniper trees, that give us and the creatures so much joy and comfort, are in their season of pollinating. I don't know if you've ever seen this phenomenon but literally zillions of pollen spores (gladiator balls in disguise) are madly released by the wind, or even a breath of air from the wings of a passing bird.

The result is a cacophony of minute particles fighting for access to every orifice on a person. And they do succeed. Because I am drinking (and eating) the marvelous Xocai Healthy Chocolate, I am not suffering with congestion, coughs or body aches. Truly, it is miraculous. But the eyeballs are another matter entirely. The pollen particles gang up and surge onto these mounds of moistness. Added to that a rash. It's not pretty, I can tell you.

So it is with a lovely happenstance that I remembered this delightful bumble bee fumbling sweet peas while I walked the gardens at the Ville d'Este in Italy one summer. I was transported to a place where it had just rained, I'd disembarked the barco (ferry), and everything was so MOIST. 

Here he is: the amazing fumbling bumble bee. The biggest bee I've ever seen, with the bluest wings I've ever seen. A beauty. He's even got a little halo of pollen.

Now if I could just get him over here to gather some juniper pollen and make some juniper honey, along with a few friends, then perhaps the dry, dusty pollen attacks would disappear in a puff of dust. Poof! I'm going in search of some now, and at the very least I'll do a rain dance :~)

Monday, March 2, 2009

The Lyre Bird... Liar?

This amazing bird has the ability to mock any sound. He even fooled the kookaburra bird. As you can see and hear from this link on YouTube. And boy can this bird dance :>}  He even takes pictures. Well, kind of. Thank you Ilene for sending this to me to share.