Monday, December 29, 2008

Going For It

The roof. Would you jump onto this? I would not. But from what I've heard a rather large bobcat did. 
It must have been a good 60 lbs., mousing around the other night. 
Parlez and I shared a few raised eyebrows as it creaked about above us :)

What the hec... Should I jump?  I think I should just go for it. Snowy, icy roof here I come.

Yikes! Getting there was no problem. Getting back, however, is a wee bit more slippery.

Back down on terra snowa. Safe and sound.

Bearing Gifts of the Heart

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas in Yellowstone

I saw this on PBS and wanted to share it with you. It's beautifully photographed and written. Linda Hunt narrates it. The hibernating mama grizzly bear, the hunting red fox (below), all just incredible.

You can find it at this link, and perhaps still see it this week.  As I write this our own snow leopard (photos coming) climbs onto my lap.  

Merry Christmas. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. 

Sunday, December 21, 2008

This Winter Solstice

Kindness in words creates confidence.
Kindness in thinking creates profoundness.
Kindness in giving creates love.

~Lao Tzu

Friday, December 19, 2008

Morning Glory Looking Out At The Snow

A while back this morning glory seed made headlines when it sprouted and began climbing up the avocado plant (here). It kept going, and going, and going, and recently started blooming. Here you can see one of the blooms sitting snug inside on the table, wide eyed, looking out at the falling snow.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I Invite You. . .

A winter walk through the arroyo

. . .to take a walk with Rob Brezsny through his voicescape of Fear Versus Intuition, here.

Someone very wise and wondrous once said that fear is an illusion which comes from the subconscious mind. It is not real. I heard this when I was walking in the arroyo above. And I decided to believe it, in spite of anything I might see or hear on the 'news'. It is making for a blessed winter solstice contemplation. 

Monday, December 15, 2008

Male Northern Flicker Stays Toasty

Male (with red "moustache") Great Northern Red Flicker

I was passing by the north side of the house and caught sight of this little guy through the screened window. It is so rare for me to see them "sitting", but this young male (it seems to me he is) Red Flicker was just hanging out endeavoring to stay warm. He was all puffed up and stopping for a bit before he began to tip some snow flakes into his beak for a drink. 

Earlier in the day I was watching the snow in the little woods behind the house and saw several Flickers flying from pinon to pinon. Such majesty. I just love these birds. As you can see from the video here...

I can see why wildlife photographers love those 300 mm lenses (I was at 200 mm shooting at 800 ISO). And not shooting through dirty windows with screens :-) But I just loved that I got to watch him for so long. More shots of him digging in the snow soon.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Micaceous at the Craft Fair

Last Saturday I participated in Jeanne's annual holiday craft fair, along with several women of many talents. It was great for me to get my hands back in the clay (micaceous) and while I didn't make any new pots I made hearts and necklaces. You can catch a glimpse of the booth above.

Here's a detail from one of the necklaces. The heart is suspended by copper, strung with glass and copper beads, micaceous beads, and copper Irish love knots. 

I'm in the process of photographing what I have, making more and uploading the goodies to my Etsy gallery, which is now called Golden Bee.  I will also have crochet scarves, fabulous fleece hats, head bands, and neck hoodies. Stay tuned for the link. I will post it soon!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Mousin' Around

Mousey is that you?


Mousey, I would never hurt you.

Chase you, pounce on you, terrorize you, bat you around, and slobber on you. But never hurt you.

Posted on the one year anniversary of the first sighting of this little guy who came to be known as Parlez Beaucoups, as he wouldn't stop talking, hollering and earnestly trying to communicate something very important. He was in the car port stalking mice for his lunch. It was clear he'd been living off the land, lean and afraid to get near anyone. And that he just might be ready for a new home where hunting mice was for sport, and gifts for mama in her work room. Often. :-)