Last year, learning a new Nikon DSLR, I began to photograph my environment. Not just the usual, but the landscape. I'd always felt completely defeated attempting to capture landscapes, especially here. I am not a landscape photographer, a mantra I repeated often.
Then I just decided to let myself off the hook, and instead of saying what I wasn't, began to shoot. Of course the clouds we have here during certain times a year really help. :) And then there's the light ...
The adobe and umbrellas was shot on Museum Hill, during the Folk Art Market last July. I was eating lunch in the alfresco food court, looked up through my enchiladas, and spied this.
For those of you who have arrived here via the Santa Fe Workshops catalog, welcome. There will soon be a link to my newly-designed website, where you can catch a glimpse of some of the books I've worked on, as well as some of my own personal photo projects that have morphed into books——sojourns sandwiched in pages.
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